66 Votes in Poll
I’m gonna say the Coachman, simply due to how scary his plan (and smile) are. Frollo is terrifying and evil, but he was also realistic, people like him do exist in real life. Meanwhile the Coachman was turning kids into donkeys, which is just… terrifying, especially when you don’t know what happens to the kids. The worst part? He’s still doing it! At least Frollo got his comeuppance!
Yeah, I don't know what the Disney people were thinking back then. It's quite surprising that such an evil character from a Disney movie like the Coachman is a Karma Houdini.
Well, the Coachman is a human trafficker who turned a bunch of kids into donkeys and shipped them off into labor. Also, that damn smile. What's the scariest thing about him is that he actually gets away scott-free at the end of his movie.
However, Frollo is a mentally disturbed and perverted judge obsessed with Esmeralda and has a massive hatred for gypsies. He also killed a woman, attempted to drown a baby, and burnt down a lot of buildings in Paris with presumably countless people in them, and by the end of the movie, he seems completely mad.
You know, I won't lie, this is a hard one. Both are horrifying in their own ways, especially considering that there are actually people out there like the two of them (excluding the fantasy elements).
I get your point, they are both damn beasts, BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT, that damn smile from the Coachman 100% sure will not let you sleep at night unless you have the lights on.
Coachman albeit barely.
More people voted for frollo? that being said I can understand both
The Coachman scared the Hell out of me when i was a little kid.
What do you think?